Quotes and Sayings

65 Take A Leap Of Faith Quotes For Peaceful Living

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Read our inspiring leap of faith quotes and sayings from acclaimed authors, thinkers, and philosophers to live a quality of life that is deeply enriching.

What is an inspiring quote for faith?

Civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr. has a deep and insightful quote about how taking a leap of faith is all that matters to a beautiful life.

He quotes, ‘Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.

Stepping out of your comfort zone and rigid mental assumptions is the first step toward a life of faith.

Comfort zones are everything we take ourselves to be.

Comfort zones are where our suffering and bondages hide as it limits us from living freely.

Not living a life of faith strengthens mental rigidities and makes us more close-minded, reactive, and overwhelming emotional from within.

Hence, when newness and holistic change knock at our door, our minds hate being displaced from inner false securities, assumptions, routines, habits, mental concepts, and beliefs.

Our minds self-deceive themselves by opting for easy and superficial changes like a new haircut, summer vacation, diet change, a new relationship, etc.

But real radical change dissolves the very concept of who I think I am (which is the reason for mental suffering); the afraid mind doesn’t want to evolve for the better, which can happen only in faith.

What does a leap of faith mean?

The mind has an innate tendency to be fearful of uncertainties; hence, it demands security and draws a comfort zone in every step it takes in the world.

A leap of faith is to question this insecurity within and instead find out authentically whether it is possible to live fearlessly and without a life plan yet feel secure and alright from within.

Every quote below about taking the first leap of faith encourages us to courageously discard old living patterns resulting in repeated mental turmoils and boring, dull life.

A faithful heart lives in constant freshness and willingly says a lot of ‘No’ towards old assumptions, mental patterns, living habits, victim attitudes, and believing in luck, destiny, and fate.

The only right purpose of life is to live mentally free, guided by inner faith, clarity, and understanding.

Only an individual with a faithful mind lives in inner richness and satisfaction.

Without allowing faith to be our guiding light – mental strength, peace, and inner calmness will be a miss.

We hope our handpicked leap of faith quotes collection elevates your life.

Take A Leap Of Faith Quotes And Sayings

Leap Of Faith Quotes Images Greeting Ideas 1Also Read: 107 Spiritual Wisdom Quotes For A Relaxed Life

You need a leap of faith to leave your old life behind. True metamorphosis doesn’t come with flowcharts.
– David Mitchell

A journal is a leap of faith. You write without knowing what the next day’s entry will be—or when the last.
– Violet Weingarten

Don’t you want to take a leap of faith? Or become an old man, filled with regret, waiting to die alone!
– Saito

I took a chance. I followed my heart. That’s kind of how love works. It’s a leap of faith.
– Julie Gelbman

When we surrender what we fear, then the light shines through.
– Tsem Rinpoche

Once you’ve weighed the possibilities, you have to take that final leap of faith.
– Ted Turner

Take a leap of faith and see that these troubled waters have no power over you unless you give it to them, and even then they lie.
– Ted Dekker

Leave behind your old self and take a leap of faith into the unknown, you will surely find out what you are truly capable of becoming. Always have faith folks.
– Kemmy Nola

Take a leap of faith. You will either land somewhere new or learn to fly.
– Kandyse Mcclure

Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.
– Martin Luther King Jr.

Every great move forward in your life begins with a leap of faith, a step into the unknown.
– Brian Tracy

You have to take a leap of faith to realize a dream, and this is something that a lot of people aren’t willing to do.
– Ron Bramlett

The challenging part is in the beginning; its a leap of faith. But I think the most important thing is to just do it. Start.
– Tom Szaky

Best Leap Of Faith Quotes And Sayings

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Leap of faith yes, but only after reflection.
Soren Kierkegaard

It’s always a leap of faith when you get involved with somebody.
– Christian Slater

Everything beautiful that we create in life requires a leap of faith.
– Paul Budnitz

Upgrading one’s imagination about what is possible is always a leap of faith.
– Clay Shirky

There is nothing anti-intellectual in the leap of faith, for faith is not believing without proof but trusting without reservation.
– William Sloane Coffin

Things can fall apart, or threaten to, for many reasons, and then there’s got to be a leap of faith. Ultimately, when you’re at the edge, you have to go forward or backward; if you go forward, you have to jump together.
– Yo-Yo Ma

What is leap of faith? Think about it from the perspective of your natural instinct and inner compass. If your natural instinct likes to stay in the past because it uses it as evidence for what’s possible for you, then a leap of faith is the complete opposite. It’s following your inner compass to a place where nothing is certain or predictable, but doing it anyway because you know it’s the right thing. It’s taking that first step off the path you’ve been put on.
– Chaundell Monn

She took a leap of faith and grew her wings on the way down.
– David Brinkley

To live, to truly live, we must be willing to risk. To be nothing in order to find everything. To leap before we look.
– Mandy Hale

There are many talented people who haven’t fulfilled their dreams because they over thought it, or they were too cautious, and were unwilling to make the leap of faith.
– James Cameron

Sometimes its better to take a leap of faith and just believe what you hear instead of trying to find the story behind it.
– Ash Sweeney

No one else in our family was a professional musician so this took an enormous leap of faith on their part.
– Tony Visconti

It’s a leap of faith doing any serialised storytelling.
– J. J. Abrams

Inspiring Leap Of Faith Quotes For Great Life

Leap Of Faith Quotes Images Greeting Ideas 3

Ultimately it’s a leap of faith and a leap of imagination to put yourself back in time into those conditions and situations and see how you would react.
– Derek Jacobi

It is terribly important to realize that the leap of faith is not so much a leap of thought as of action. For while in many matters it is first we must see then we will act; in matters of faith it is first we must do then we will know, first we will be and then we will see. One must, in short, dare to act wholeheartedly without absolute certainty.
– William Sloane Coffin

I am coming to terms with the fact that loving someone requires a leap of faith, and that a soft landing is never guaranteed.
– Sarah Dessen

But failure has to be an option in art and in exploration because it’s a leap of faith. And no important endeavor that required innovation was done without risk. You have to be willing to take those risks.
– James Cameron

Gravity is love and every turn is a leap of faith.
– Warren Miller

Take a leap of faith and begin this wondrous new year by believing.
– Sarah Ban Breathnach

There is a leap of faith with any conclusion the mind can conceive.
– H. Mortara

It only takes one idea, one second in time, one friend, one dream, one leap of faith, to change everything forever.
– Mike Dooley

Taking a leap of faith is better than taking a leap of doubt.
– Matshona Dhliwayo

If we never had the courage to take a leap of faith, we’d be cheating God out of a chance to mount us up with wings like eagles and watch us soar.
– Jen Stephens

Life remains unchanged till a leap of faith runs towards heaven.
– Santosh Kalwar

When there is no possibility of retreat, we will find the innovation that only the liminal situation can bring. In short, we find the faith of leap.
– Alan Hirsch

You take that leap of faith. You have to be willing to follow, blindly, wherever it takes you. If you know where you’re going beforehand, you’re not going to end up with anything worth knowing.
– Sam Messer

Motivational Leap Of Faith Quotes

Leap Of Faith Quotes Images Greeting Ideas 4Also Read: 50 Inspiring Everyday is A New Day Quotes and Sayings

Be realistic. Plan for a miracle.

A great deal more failure is the result of an excess of caution than of bold experimentation with new ideas. The frontiers of the kingdom of God were never advanced by men and women of caution.
– Oswald Sanders

You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life or death to you.
– C. S. Lewis

Faith dares the soul to go further than it can see.
– William Clarke

Beautiful Balloon Decorations.
– CherishX

I can’t even take a leap of faith to believe in my own existence.
– Woody Allen

The leap of faith involves going beyond argument to what cannot be proved, and the sign that one has made that leap is asking God for help.
– Mortimer J. Adler

Sometimes, you have to take a leap of faith first. The trust part comes later.
– Father Leone

The choice is simple. Madness, or take a leap of faith. Believe your eyes. Believe me.
– Weaver

Preparation will only take you so far. After that you gotta take a few leaps of faith.
– Michael Scofield

In today’s cynical world, it’s so hard to take that great leap of faith aboard the ship of love and caring.
– Father Scott

Well, even more reason to take a leap of faith. Trust that the universe will provide everything that you need and what you need the most right now.
– Zaire Dupre

None of us gets proof. Proof is in the future and the future is not here yet. Leap of faith. That’s all we can get.
– Meredith

Taking Leap Of Faith Quotes For Free Life

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If we stop assuming, we’ll lose something important. An assumption, is a leap of faith to believe that, something that we really want to believe is actually true. If we stop making assumptions, we might just lose our faith.
– Mr. Jack

Sometimes your only available transportation is a leap of faith.
– Margaret Shepherd

If I had worried about everything that could go wrong, I would never have started. Sometimes, you just need to take a leap of faith.
– Ken Njoroge

Your goals, minus your doubts, equal your reality.
– Ralph Marston

Perhaps, the difference between what is miserable, and that, which is spectacular, lies in the leap of faith.
– Sushant Singh Rajput

In life, you don’t need to know where you’re going or how you’re going to get there. You’ve just gotta take a leap of faith with an open mind.
– Nichola Stephenson

The person who takes no chances wins nothing. So take a leap of faith today, and get in the game!
– Patrina Freeman

The journey to understanding begins with a leap of faith.
– Dannika Dark

The idealists and visionaries, foolish enough to throw caution to the winds and express their ardor and faith in some supreme deed, have advanced mankind and have enriched the world.
– Emma Goldman

Although knowledge of structure is helpful, real creativity comes from leaps of faith in which you jump to something illogical. But those leaps form the memorable moments in movies and plays.
– Francis Ford Coppola

You can’t solve many of today’s problems by straight linear thinking. It takes leaps of faith to sense the connections that are not necessarily obvious.
– Matina Horner

There is always a certain leap of faith that editors have made with their nonfiction writers. If the trust is broken, things can get very embarrassing for the writers and the publisher.
– A Scott Berg

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