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Read our uplifting and enriching laughter quotes and sayings from renowned personalities and thinkers to live light-hearted and joyful lives.
Why is heartily laughter always the best medicine?
Jean de La Bruyere insightfully quotes, ‘Life is a tragedy for those who feel, and a comedy for those who think.’
The quality of an individual’s life depends on their mental wellness.
Mental health is the foundation on which every other life’s priority keeps getting its value and importance.
A loveless fake exhibition of smiles forced laughter, and other plastic behaviors becomes necessary when our inner foundation remains shaky, weak, and rootless.
Look around and look within – the earth has become warmer than before, climate catastrophe has jeopardized our future generations, and millions of species are extinct due to deforestation (we killed their homes) and industrial wastes polluting rivers and oceans, to name a few.
We are more mentally depressed than ever, despite better economic prosperity, education, and technological innovations.
Introspect on this fact – what to do with external progress when the mental welfare of a person is never taken care of?
A suffering individual will inevitably make everything and everybody’s life miserable. We only share who we are.
Haven’t you noticed that the world looks not a nice place to be when we become stressed?
How to bring real laughter and mental health into daily living?
Any individual who chooses to live from a center of non-understood mental impulses, instincts, emotions, and blind external influences, lives a very impoverished life inwardly.
Any individual who chooses to live from a center of inner understanding of why I suffer and wants clarity on the workings of the mind lives a light-hearted life.
Firstly, let’s allow the inner restlessness and emptiness to lead to an authentic self-inquiry: Who Am I?
Allow the inner wisdom to take deeper roots by reading the healing words of timeless spiritual literature and shackle all the mental models that limit us from living an alive, fresh, and spontaneous life.
We all deserve to live free lives with genuine laughter and tears. There is no substitute for realness, and one can discover it in the depth of their heart.
Attempt that sincere inward journey if you don’t like being mentally suffocated every other day.
We hope our curated laughter quotes collection touches you deeply.
Best Laughter Quotes And Sayings
Hearty laughter is a good way to jog internally without having to go outdoors.
– Norman Cousins
A day without laughter is like living in darkness; you try to find your way around, but you can’t see clearly.
– Emily Mitchell
Laughter is an instant vacation.
– Milton Berle
At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities.
– Jean Huston
You don’t stop laughing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop laughing.
– Michael Pritchard
A good laugh heals a lot of hurts.
– Madeleine L’Engle
Laughter is by definition healthy.
– Doris Lessing
Sometimes crying or laughing are the only options left, and laughing feels better right now.
– Veronica Roth
Laughter is the tonic, the relief, the surcease for pain.
– Charlie Chaplin
The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.
– EE Cummings
Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.
– Victor Borge
Laughter is the best medicine – unless you’re diabetic, then insulin comes pretty high on the list.
– Jasper Carrott
Love and Laughter Quotes Images

Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.
– Victor Hugo
Laughter connects you with people. It’s almost impossible to maintain any kind of distance or any sense of social hierarchy when you’re just howling with laughter. Laughter is a force for democracy.
– John Cleese
A day without laughter is a day wasted.
– Charlie Chaplin
Laughter is the sensation of feeling good all over and showing it principally in one place.
– Josh Billings
Laughter is not at all a bad beginning for a friendship, and it is far the best ending for one.
– Oscar Wilde
Laughter is good for you. Nine out of ten stand-up comedians recommend laughter in the face of intense stupidity.
– Jim Butcher
I know why we laugh. We laugh because it hurts, and it’s the only thing to make it stop hurting.
– Robert A. Heinlein
Laughter feels like our flotation device — it won’t pull us out of the storm, but it might carry us through, if we can just hang on.
– Emery Lord
Laughter has no foreign accent.
– Paul Lowney
Everybody laughs the same in every language because laughter is a universal connection.
– Yakov Smirnoff
I’m not up for laughing, but their laughter makes the room feel safer, so we begin to explore.
– John Green
Laughter does not deny pain. Laughter – like a wail – acknowledges and replies to pain.
– Tim O’Brien
Thankful For Laughter Quotes And Sayings
Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects.
– Arnold H. Glasow
Laughter is a sense of proportion and a power of seeing yourself from the outside.
– Zero Mostel
Laughter brings out the child in all of us.
– Bill Cosby
Laughter is much more important than applause. Applause is almost a duty. Laughter is a reward.
– Carol Channing
The house of laughter makes a house of woe.
– Edward Young
Laughter lets me relax. It’s the equivalent of taking a deep breath, letting it out and saying, This, too, will pass.
– Odette Pollar
Laughter serves as a blocking agent. Like a bulletproof vest, it may help protect you against the ravages of negative emotions that can assault you in disease.
– Norman Cousins
There is little success where there is little laughter.
– Andrew Carnegie
Laughter is the foundation of reconciliation.
– St. Francis de Sales
You can’t deny laughter; when it comes, it plops down in your favorite chair and stays as long as it wants.
– Stephen King
Laugh whenever you can. Keeps you from killing yourself when things are bad. That and vodka.
– Jim Butcher
Laughter is carbonated holiness.
– Anne Lamott
Priceless Laughter Quotes And Sayings
Laughter is not a bad beginning for a friendship, and it is the best ending for one.
– Henry Ward Beecher
Laughter is a powerful weapon for it carries the light. To laugh is to defy the darkness.
– Isobelle Carmody
There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor.
– Charles Dickens
Seven days without laughter makes one weak.
– Mort Walker
At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities.
– Jean Houston
So many tangles in life are ultimately hopeless that we have no appropriate sword other than laughter.
– Gordon W. Allport
Laughter need not be cut out of anything, since it improves everything.
– James Thurber
A wonderful thing about true laughter is that it just destroys any kind of system of dividing people.
– John Cleese
Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects.
– Arnold Glasow
Laughter is magic that dispenses clouds and creates sunshine in the soul.
– Richelle E. Goodrich
Laughter is sweet when enjoyed alone. But it becomes sweeter when you enjoy it together with the people around you. Your success must lead to the success of others.
– Israelmore Ayivor
Laughter would be bereaved if snobbery died.
– Peter Ustinov
Laughter, and the broader category of humor, are key elements in helping us go on with our life after a loss.
– Allen Klein
Laughter is poison to fear.
– George R.R. Martin
Inspirational Laughter Quotes And Sayings
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