Quotes and Sayings

30 You Are Worthy Quotes and Sayings For Self Dignity

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Read our highly motivating you are worthy quotes and sayings, and never settle for a mediocre and compromised life.

How do you feel worthy quotes?

Despite knowing that we all are unique and precious the way we are, what makes us feel unworthy in our own eyes and constantly fall prey to the fear of missing out (FOMO)?

We fall prey to world garbage, get easily influenced by popular opinions, and try to fit in the wrong shoes because we think that’s the norm.

Remember, the world has no power over us to disturb our minds and question our self-worth without our permission to do so. But why then do we constantly doubt our capabilities?

Because we lack the inner discretion ( intelligence) to sharply understand what is worthy and unworthy for my progress and mental well-being.

Overcoming not feeling worthy quotes?

Let our inner wiseness help us differentiate what is worthy and unworthy at any given moment. That will save us from unnecessary mental troubles and distress.

Everything, place, people, idea, concepts, and environment are worthy only if it uplifts our beings.

On the contrary, everything and everybody that causes our mental degradation is unworthy and needs our dismissal.

Let Roy T. Bennett remind us how worthy and robust we are if we are willing to look at ourselves and our immense potential to live amazing lives no matter what the world thinks.

He quotes, ‘strong people have a strong sense of self-worth and self-awareness; they don’t need the approval of others.’

We hope our being worthy quotes collection uplifts your life.

Powerful Realise Your Worthy Quotes

Worthy Quotes Greeting Ideas 1Also Read: 40 Best Weakness Quotes and Sayings to Improve Mental Grit

You are essentially who you create yourself to be and all that occurs in your life is the result of your own making.
– Stephen Richards

Deal with yourself as an individual, worthy of respect and make everyone else deal with you the same way.
– Nikki Giovanni

Never tell the truth to people who are not worthy of it.
Mark Twain

Don’t worry when you are not recognized, but strive to be worthy of recognition.
– Abraham Lincoln

We cannot think of being acceptable to others until we have first proven acceptable to ourselves.
– Malcolm X

Nothing in the affairs of men is worthy of great anxiety.

One of the greatest regrets in life is being what others would want you to be, rather than being yourself.
– Shannon L. Alder

Anything that is worth pursuing is going to require us to suffer, just a little bit.
– Chris Burkard

O wise man! Give your wealth only to the worthy and never to others. The water of the sea received by the clouds is always sweet.
– Chanakya

Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.
Albert Einstein

I Am Worthy Quotes

Worthy Quotes Greeting Ideas 2Also Read: 50 Motivational Never Underestimate Quotes and Sayings

Self worth sets the standard that life meets.
– Jewel

He doesn’t need to be reminded you’re great.
– Greg Behrendt

If a man thinks he is not conceited, he is very conceited indeed.
– C.S. Lewis

Not everything worth keeping has to be useful.
– Cynthia Lord

The difference between being mediocre and achieving excellence is you.
– Stephen Richards

There is nothing so rewarding as to make people realize that they are worthwhile in this world.
– Bob Anderson

Make today worth remembering.
– Zig Ziglar

To be worthy does not mean to be perfect.
Gerrit W. Gong

Start with big dreams and make life worth living.
Stephen Richards

Be a worthy worker and work will come.
Amit Kalantri

Great Quotes About Being Worthy

Worthy Quotes Greeting Ideas 3Also Read: 30 Best Willpower Quotes and Saying for Mental Resilience

When you confer a benefit on those worthy of it, you confer a favor on all.
Publilius Syrus

He that loves to be flattered is worthy o’ the flatterer.
William Shakespeare

Don’t work for recognition, but do work worthy of recognition.
H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

It is up to us to live up to the legacy that was left for us, and to leave a legacy that is worthy of our children and of future generations.
Christine Gregoire

Sometimes the hardest part of the journey is believing you’re worthy of the trip.
Glenn Beck

Self-worth comes from one thing – thinking that you are worthy.
Wayne Dyer

No temporary chaos is worth your sanity. Just knowing that whatever happens, it happens to the best of them too

It is a worthy reward for his efforts over many years. He is a man who does his job solidly and responsibly.
Mikhail Gorbachev

Be free all worthy spirits, and stretch yourselves, for greatness and for height.
George Chapman

You Are Worthy Of Love Quotes

Worthy Quotes Greeting Ideas 4Also Read: 50 Best Keen and Silent Observation Quotes and Sayings

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