Quotes and Sayings

25 Best Snowball Quotes and Saying for Metaphor Lovers

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Read our wise and thought-provoking snowball quotes and sayings and how snowballing effects are detrimental to our life.

Snowballs are made by collecting large pieces of ice and made into a solid ball shape.

When you roll it on a steep slope, it gains momentum both from the speed and the gravitational pull of the earth.

Snowball has been used as a metaphor to give moral warnings on how our casual harming behaviors and mental tendencies keep getting aggravated if went unchecked.

American revolutionists Martin Luther beautifully quotes, ‘ a lie is like a snowball; the further you roll it, the bigger it becomes.’

So, it is better to have a reality check with anything that stresses you in the initial stage; later, it may become irreversible damage.

We hope our enriching snowball quotes collection is meaningful to read.

Best Snowball Quotes and Sayings

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Life is like a snowball. The important thing is finding wet snow and a really long hill.
– Warren Buffett

A lie is like a snowball: the further you roll it the bigger it becomes.
– Martin Luther

Worry is as useless as a handle on a snowball.
– Mitzi Chandler

Success is like a snowball. It takes momentum to build and the more you roll it in the right direction the bigger it gets.
– Steve Ferrante

The aging process has you firmly in its grasp if you never get the urge to throw a snowball.
– Doug Larson

Judgments are like a snowball. They stick to you. As time rolls along, the snowball becomes a boulder and then an avalanche.
– John Kuypers

The older I get, the greater power I seem to have to help the world; I am like a snowball – the further I am rolled the more I gain.
– Susan B. Anthony

A snowball is simple, direct and familiar to most of us. I use this simplicity as a container for feelings and ideas that function on many levels.
– Andy Goldsworthy

When things are going well, the focus is that much greater because you don’t want to lose. You’re able to develop confidence and trust in each other, and your attention to detail is greater. Then things have an opportunity to snowball.
– Lawrence Frank

Inspiring Snowball Quotes and Sayings

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Successful ideas, they snowball.
– Ron Johnson

Snowball just leads elves on, elves and Santas. He is playing a dangerous game.
– David Sedaris

A snowball looks like a cake. It is not out of place on a plate full of cakes. A snowball has the mouth feel of a cake.
– Judge Anne Scott.

I wouldn’t give Satan a snowball’s chance in Hell against a woman’s ego.
– Bill Hicks

A snowball in the face is surely the perfect beginning to a lasting friendship.
– Markus Zusak

Down that path lies madness. On the other hand, the road to hell is paved with melting snowballs.
– Larry Wall

A rumor is like a snowball: It starts small, but it can pick up mass and momentum as it rolls down the hill until what began in a hushed tone ends with the roar of an avalanche.
– Robert Menschel

You can’t stop technology or science, and it is snowballing quicker than ever. Something’s got to come to a head. How? Who knows? But it will.
– Billy Burke

Destruction is like a snow-ball rolled down a hill, for its bulk increases by its own swiftness and thus disorder spreads.
– Peter Ackroyd

Top Snowball Quotes and Sayings

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Like negativity, positivity has a snowball effect. Once negativity is out of your system, you can get it rolling.
– Bev James

All we are in possession of is the result of the snowballing attitude of our minds.
– Stephen Richards

Some of the snowballs have a kind of animal energy. Not just because of the materials inside them, but in the way that they appear caged, captured.
– Andy Goldsworthy

Rumors are like a snowball rolling down a mountain. As it rolls it picks up speed and more and more snow. Soon it creates an avalanche destroying people or places and then there is no going back.
– Freddy S. Zalta

Corruption is like a ball of snow, once it’s set a rolling it must increase.
– Charles Caleb Colton

When we make the choice to care, we set into motion a snowball effect that touches many people, most of whom we will never know about, never underestimate the importance of a kind act.
– Alan Cohen

What comes first, the chicken or the egg? You start out bad, you don’t really feel right, you don’t have the same explosion, then you start to lose confidence, you start to doubt your ability. It’s a snowball effect.
– Lance Berkman

The people who survive avoid snowball scenarios in which bad trades cause them to become emotionally destabilized and make more bad trades. They are also able to feel the pain of losing. If you don’t feel the pain of a loss, then you’re in the same position as those unfortunate people who have no pain sensors. If they leave their hand on a hot stove, it will burn off. There is no way to survive in the world without pain. Similarly, in the markets, if the losses don’t hurt, your financial survival is tenuous.
– William Eckhardt

Popular Snowball Quotes and Sayings

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