Quotes and Sayings

15 Best and Inspirational Waitress Quotes and Sayings

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Read our best and positive waitress quotes and sayings from acclaimed authors and famous personalities worldwide.

Being a waitress is an exciting job gig; many works to earn pocket money or a side income.

It is a plus to have excellent social skills with a warm nature and free-flowing interaction with people of all ages who come to dine.

Even though becoming a waitress at any restaurant is easy, it tests mental patience and demands the presence of mind because they have to deal with strangers in real-time.

We hope you find our waitress quotes helpful.

Best Waitress Quotes and Sayings

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Whenever you serve someone from your heart, the food tastes so much better.
– Bunmi Shonubi

I really believe waiting tables, and service industry jobs in general, make you a better person.
– Judy Greer

God created waitresses for you to practice kindness.
– Ranal Currie

To serve is beautiful, but only if it is done with joy and a whole heart.
– Pearl S. Buck

The right server for the right job.
– Bob Muglia

Attitude is a saleable commodity, ask any successful waitress.
– Ranal Currie

A man who goes into a restaurant and blatantly disrespects the servers shows a strong discontent with his own being. Deep down he knows that restaurant service is the closest thing he will ever experience to being served like a king.
– Criss Jami

To serve the many, you first serve the few.
– Ken Jennings

As a former waitress myself, I know firsthand how a simple smile from someone can improve your day and how a single harsh word can destroy it. Being courteous and thoughtful costs you nothing and can sometimes pay you dividends in unexpected ways.
– Susanna Kearsley

I’ve been a single parent for a long time. It reminds me of being a waitress. As you walk back to the kitchen, requests come at you from all sides. You’re doing the job of two – you have to be highly organised.
– Cherie Lunghi

Good Waitress Quotes and Sayings

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When I moved to New York, I was waiting tables, painting in the daytime and working at night, and I felt it was possible to find a balance and just about get by.
– Cecily Brown

In my experience, I’ve noticed that waiting on tables is one of two things that almost everyone thinks they can do. The other is writing. Perhaps it’s no accident that there is only one letter of difference between waiter and writer.
– Debra Ginsberg

All I ask is that you tip your waiters and waitresses. We have to turn this situation around.
– Jay Leno

If home is to have a greater lure than a tavern, the wife must be at least as cheerful as the waitress.
– Phyllis Schlafly

When the waitress asked if I wanted my pizza cut into four or eight slices, I said, ‘Four. I don’t think I can eat eight.’
– Yogi Berra

Now, as an adult, I appreciate those memories. Mom taught me the importance of compassion for your waitress, your crossing guard, your mailman.
– Cate Edwards

Being a waitress can be a very brutal job sometimes, and I remember during the training, the person said to me, The redder the lips, the better the tips, and that was like the only advice she gave me.
– Brit Marling

In the drive-through the server is in a superior position because the cars can only progress so fast, one at a time; there are solid barriers between the server and the customers; and other fast-food personnel inside are doing things for the server. No wonder the walk-in servers have a more difficult time inside.
– Rolland E. Stroup

When I was waiting tables, washing dishes, or mowing lawns for money, I never thought of myself as stuck in some station in life. I was on my own path, my own journey, an American journey where I could think for myself, decide for myself, define happiness for myself.
– Paul Ryan

For me, my 2s were all about reaching for the brass ring of work in theater, television, and film, surviving in between by waiting tables, painting houses, serving coffee, and temping.
– Kate Walsh

Clever Waitress Quotes and Sayings

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The waitress had the appearance of a very old hooker who had finally found her place in life.
– Hunter S. Thompson

When the waitress puts the dinner on the table, the old men look at the dinner. The young men look at the waitress.
– Gelett Burgess

We can serve humanity with our divine passions and gifted skills.
– Lailah Gifty Akita

The more we serve, the more strength, we receive to keep the good deeds.
– Lailah Gifty Akita

Our biggest cost is not power, or servers, or people. It’s lack of utilization. It dominates all other costs.
– Jeff Bezos

Once a waitress, always a waitress.
– Sandra Bullock

There wasn’t enough gratitude in the world for a server who kept drinks coming at a time like this.
– Jennifer Crusie

Serving and attempting to inspire others is a responsibility, not a choice.
– Bill Courtney

You are serving someone for the rest of your life, not knowing a time must come when you must also be served.
– Israelmore Ayivor

All the beautiful waitresses existed like eternal responsibilities.
– Spalding Gray

If the waitress has dirty ankles, the chili is good.
– Al McGuire

Being A Waitress Quotes and Sayings

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