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We hope our uplifting and heartwarming I need to get over you quotes and sayings help you lift your spirits and move on from a toxic relationship or a recent breakup.
It isn’t easy to get over someone and move on, especially if you are genuinely in love.
But if the other is causing a mental disturbance, sleepless nights, and reason for silent tears, it’s time to get over the other for real.
I am finally over you quotes:
Let the later sayings give you courage and understanding in taking the right call,
Sometimes the person you want to be with the most is the person that you are best without.
– Unknown
And you know why it is important to call off the relationship and move on.
Your peace and mental health are more important and valuable than any relationship.
If the relationship gives you that, go ahead, and no need to break up or get a divorce.
But, if you think you are wasting too much time and energy to maintain the relationship or feeling the heat of unnecessary friction happening with the other, then you need to revisit the relationship.
Develop an inner attitude of loving yourself with this powerful quote
Despite the heartache and loss, the reason you are not hearing from me is that I am too busy taking care of myself moving on with my fabulous life.
– Greg Behrendt
We hope our handpicked over you quotes collection is a helpful read.
Best Over You Quotes and Sayings
I can sit and tell myself I’m over you a million times a day. But when I’m standing there next to you every word just fades away.
– Unknown
Sometimes the person you want to be with the most, is the person that you’re best without.
– Unknown
Yes, I will go. I would rather grieve over your absence than over you.
– Antonio Porchia
Her heart finally told her to stop wasting her time.
– Unknown
I miss a lot things but not you.
– Unknown
If he was stupid enough to walk away, be smart enough to let him go.
– Unknown
Also Read: 65 Great Letting Go Quotes And Moving On In Relationships
Despite the heartache and loss, the reason you are not hearing from me is that I am too busy taking care of myself moving on with my fabulous life.
– Greg Behrendt
Realize that everything and everyone that walks away from you does so because they are no longer part of your story.
– Mandy Hale
One of the best times for figuring out who you are and what you really want out of life is right after a breakup.
– Mandy Hale
There’s life after breakup. Every setback is a setup for a comeback, and yours will be fierce.
– Samantha Burns
Sometimes when you feel completely powerless to a situation in your life, all you can do is let go. Sometimes letting go is all it takes to create the change you want.
– James A. Murphy
I am Over You Quotes and Sayings
Walking away from the problems you don’t want in your life gets easier each time it becomes clearer to you who no longer need to be.
– Guy Finley
Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness. If in our heart, we still cling to anything – anger, anxiety, or possessions – we cannot be free.
– Thich Nhat Hanh
Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know.
– Pema Chodron
Try not to resist the changes that come your way. Instead, let life live through you. And do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come.
– Rumi
It is time for me to let go of my old beliefs about how relationships are supposed to be.
– Louise Hay
He’s going to be sorry he lost you, so stop worrying. Forget the past, forget the pain and remember what an incredible woman you are.
– Drake
Also Read: 55 Inspiring Let Go Quotes And Move On Towards A Better You
If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.
– Thich Nhat Hanh
Expectation is the root of all heartache.
– William Shakespeare
If you love them, then love in the way that frees them. Build them up. Grow them and let them grow you. Love that is confining, restrictive, and full of laws is love born out of the desperation of loneliness.
– Jm Storm
I know something better is on the road for me.
– Maya Angelou
Healing comes in waves and maybe today the wave hits the rocks. And that’s OK, that’s OK darling. You are still healing. You are still healing.
– Ijeoma Umebinyuo
Getting Over You Quotes and Sayings
You gladly accept this radio silence because your relationship has been broken for a while, and get on with your grieving because you are moving on to something better.
– Greg Behrendt
Now, defeating kryptonite and getting over a broken heart is incredibly tough. It’s also wildly empowering. But the even bigger victory is finally living your own life again without the constant presence of heartache.
– Greg Behrendt
The hard truth is that breakups are sink-or-swim. Some people spend their life in an emotional downward spiral because they can’t get over lost love. Others, most notably you, use it as a turning point to reevaluate, rebuild, and possibly redecorate.
– Greg Behrendt
It’s called a breakup because it’s broken is designed to help you not only get out of an unsatisfying relationship but to get over it so that you can be ready for the better things in life that are coming your way.
– Greg Behrendt
Anytime something so earth-shattering in your life happens that it breaks your heart, it also leaves the doorway of your soul open to new emotions and new mind-sets that can shake, rattle, and roll you right up to the next level.
– Mandy Hale
Also Read: 85 Faith In God Quotes And Sayings For Tough Times
Then why are we so willing to stay stuck in a relationship once it has become clear that the other person is not our perfect fit?
– Mandy Hale
Breakups have a way of shaking us awake and helping us see what we really want versus what we are willing to settle for.
– Mandy Hale
Breakups aren’t trivial; they affect us to our core.
– Samantha Burns
No matter your role in this breakup, whether you were dumped or you walked away, it takes serious courage and resiliency to make it through to the other side.
– Samantha Burns
Going through a breakup is actually very similar to grieving a death. You’re grieving the loss of someone you love and learning to live life without them by your side.
– Samantha Burns
Although breakups can feel unbearable, we don’t die from them.
– Rachel Sussman
Don’t Stress Over You Quotes and Sayings
Even if you initiated your split, you are going to be overcome with interminable sorrow. You are not only mourning the loss of someone significant in your life, but saying farewell to your dreams of an eternity together.
– Rachel Sussman
Usually right after the initial sting of the breakup, you’re not going to be very hungry. You won’t have an appetite and may drop a few pounds. I call it the breakup body.
– Lesley Robins
Keep moving. Exercise will make you feel better. It’s a fact. Do not rush into being a superwoman at the gym or joining a team to run a marathon right after the breakup.
– Lesley Robins
You’ll slowly start seeing life beyond the breakup, and eventually life won’t be about the breakup at all.
– Lesley Robins
When things aren’t going your way, like during this breakup, you must fight for your own happiness. If you keep looking on the outside for validation, especially from a man, you will lose.
– Lesley Robins
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After your breakup, go through life slowly and stay true to what you need in each moment.
– Lesley Robins
You’ve felt the grief and sadness along with the anger associated with your breakup. Your body is literally a giant tank filled with emotions, and they need to be released.
– Andi Dorfman
Unlike real hurricanes, heartbreak has no eye–it offers no reprieve and it leaves no place to take shelter. We thus remain exposed, drenched, and miserable until it passes.
– Guy Winch
Real heartbreak is unmistakable, from the intensity of the emotional pain it causes, to the totality with which it takes over our mind and even our body. We think of nothing else.
– Guy Winch
Letting go does not mean you’re giving up, it simply means you’re making a conscious choice to acknowledge that something is out of your control.
– James A. Murphy
Yes, let go. Walk away. Nothing can stop you. Believe me, this is your first in a long series of real winning actions. Never mind what direction to take; it doesn’t matter, not in the slightest.
– Guy Finley
Inspiring Over You Quotes and Sayings
Walking away from the false is the same as heading toward what is true.
– Guy Finley
Letting go of yourself is letting go of your problems, for they are on in the same.
– Guy Finley
Sometimes you have to just walk away. We all hate to fail, hate to give up, hate to give in. We love the challenge of life and want to keep on until whatever we are trying to ‘win’ has been overcome, vanquished, beaten and won.
– Richard Templar
Sometimes you really want to do something, but it is unrealistic. Instead of knocking yourself out, cultivate the art of knowing when to walk away, and you’ll find, it a lot less stressful.
– Richard Templar
Letting go and walking away means you are exercising control and good decision-making powers–you are making your choice rather than letting the situation control you.
– Richard Templar
If it’s dead, don’t go digging it up every five minutes to check if there’s a pulse. It’s dead; walk away.
– Richard Templar
Also Read: 66 Walking Away Quotes From Relationship Drama
If a relationship is coming to its end, instead of playing out long and complicated– and potentially hurtful–end games, learn the art of walking away.
– Richard Templar
One of the most unfortunate realities of heartbreak is that our ‘natural’ responses often do us more harm than good.
– Guy Winch
When you meet someone you care about. It’s just hard to walk away. But what if we’re lucky enough to find that person? We’re supposed to walk away? Doesn’t seem fair.
– Josh Schwartz
If I cut you off, chances are, you handed me the scissors.
– Katie Grabil
Over time you start noticing that some people just aren’t worth it anymore.
– Unknown
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