Quotes and Sayings

20 Inspiring Seagull Quotes and Saying for a Successful Life

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One of the positive Jonathan Livingston Seagull quotes from Richard Bach’s inspiring novel is the need of the hour.

He quotes, ‘The gull sees farthest who flies highest.’

The more we willingly come out of our comfort zones and socially well-adjusted lives, the more successful, adventurous, and satisfying our lives become.

Don’t miss reading the highly acclaimed inspiring short novel: Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach.

Gulls are intelligent birds with a strong body, long wings, short legs, and webbed feet and mainly prey on dead animals washed along the seashore.

Do you know seagulls are rare birds that drink salt water directly from the sea, and their bodies have unique mechanisms to eliminate excess water?

We hope you find our seagull quotes collection enriching.

Best Seagull Quotes and Sayings

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Freedom can be forgotten in the repressive countries. To remember freedom, it will be enough to watch a happy seagull flying in the sky!
– Mehmet Murat Ildan

Seagull loves to fly. It makes her heart sing. But when she gets caught in a tangle of fishing line on the beach, Seagull can only watch as other birds fly effortlessly above.
– Danny Snell

Do you also see every day what the seagull sees every day? Infinite gleams of the sea? Then, you are a seagull too!
– Mehmet Murat Ildan

The gull sees farthest who flies highest.
– Richard Bach

I made that vow, swore that two lives should be like one. As long as the seagull loved the sea, as long as the sunflower sought the sun, It shall be. I said, for eternity, ‘Twixt you and me!
Oscar Wilde

Seagulls that live near airports damage aeroplanes by flying into them. People use spikes and nets to stop seagulls roosting or to scare them away.
– Isabel Thomas

I must fly home to the flock and be content as I am, as a poor limited seagull.
– Richard Bach

Seagulls, as you know, never falter, never stall. To stall in the air is for them disgrace and it is dishonor.
– Richard Bach

Most gulls don’t bother to learn more than the simplest facts of flight— how to get from shore to food and back again. For most gulls, it is not flying that matters, but eating.
– Richard Bach

Positive Seagull Quotes and Sayings

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Seabirds evoke the spirit of the earth’s wildest places. They spend large portions of their lives at sea, often far from land, and nest on beautiful remote islands that humans rarely visit.
– Michael Brooke

Life itself could never have been sustainable without seabirds. They are bringers of fertility, the deliverers of life from ocean to land.
– Adam Nicolson

Only the poets in the past would have thought of seabirds as creatures riding the ripples and current of the entire planet, but that is what the scientists are seeing now today.
– Adam Nicolson

Flight of my mind rises beneath the seagull’s wings, then ocean is my motherland I feel.
– Munia Khan

The hard part’s waiting for the seagulls to attack when you have a chip on your shoulder.
– Anthony T. Hincks

Seagulls are a landfill nuisance because they fly away with food scraps and, as is their reputation, fight each other over them midflight, often losing them, and soon a lady has a half-eaten hamburger splashing into her backyard pool.
– Jeanne Marie Laskas

When the seagulls follow the trawler, it is because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea.
– Eric Cantona

A seagull flying beautifully is heaven; a seagull hunting an innocent fish is hell! Existence is heaven and hell, joy and horror!
– Mehmet Murat Ildan

A seagull manager is one who periodically flies into the area, makes a lot of noise, dumps on the people, maybe eats their lunch, and flies away.
– James Hunter

Motivating Seagull Quotes and Sayings

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