Quotes and Sayings

50 Best Attack Quotes Sayings For A Strong Life

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Read our inspiring, overcoming panic attack quotes and sayings from philosophers and thinkers that will make you contemplate in meaningful and wise words.

Ancient Chinese philosopher has a powerful quote on attack and strength, ‘Attack the evil within yourself, rather than attacking the evil in others.’

Before attacking the world in the act of vengeance, let’s turn inwards and silently dismantle the weakness, anxiety, and distress that bothers us.

Real strength and power begin the day when one starts to master oneself, becomes more self-aware, and is filled with self-knowledge.

Now such an individual knows how to defend himself with the right action when faced with external pressure and intimidation.

We hope our motivational anxiety attack quotes, phrases, proverbs, and sayings are helpful.

Best Attack Quotes And Sayings

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Attack the evil that is within yourself, rather than attacking the evil that is in others.
– Confucius

Attack each day with an enthusiasm unknown to mankind.
– Jim Harbaugh

How do we attack important problems? Pose the right question.
– Donald Sadoway

Attack is the secret of defense; defense is the planning of an attack.
– Sun Tzu

An attack on the roots of passion means an attack on the roots of life.
– Friedrich Nietzsche

Those who attack always do so with greater fervor than those who defend.
– Eleanor Roosevelt

The best way to counter-attack a hater is to make it blatantly obvious that their attack has had no impact on you.
– Tim Ferriss

An attack on Public Education is an attack on Democracy.
– Diane Ravitch

Never attack a problem without also presenting a solution.
Jim Rohn

An attack of hope is the same for us as an attack of fever.
– Marceline Desbordes Valmore

Anxiety Attack Quotes And Sayings

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Attack is the proof that your enemy anticipates your success.
– Mike Murdock

A mild attack of apoplexy may be called death’s retaining fee.
– Gilles Menage

An attack on values is inevitably seen as an act of subversion.
– Garrett Hardin

You have to attack once the truth is too weak to defend itself.
– Bertolt Brecht

The more you attack, the more your opponent will make mistakes.
– Marcelo Garcia

The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.
– Saul Alinsky

Those who cannot attack the thought, instead attack the thinker.
– Paul Valery

Whoever attacks a matter without knowledge cuts off his own nose.
– Ja’far Al-Sadiq

The attack on untouchability is an attack on this high-and low-ness.
Mahatma Gandhi

Distorting attacks when people already don’t trust you, is not smart.
– Van Jones

Uplifting Attack Quotes And Sayings

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Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.
– Sun Tzu

Unjust attacks on public men do them more good than unmerited praise.
– Rutherford B. Hayes

Attack thoughts towards others are attack thoughts towards ourselves.
– Marianne Williamson

In any form of attack it is essential to assail your opponent from behind.
– Oswald Boelcke

Learn to attack things frontally but according to the most scientific methods.
– Ernest Dimnet

It’s easy to attack and destroy an act of creation. It’s a lot more difficult to perform one.
– Chuck Palahniuk

The attacks on old words and the coining of new are the visible tip of the iceberg of change.
– Michelene Wandor

If you attack the establishment long enough and hard enough, they will make you a member of it.
– Art Buchwald

He who attacks the fundamentals of the American broadcasting industry attacks democracy itself.
– William S. Paley

The attack on the truth by war begins long before war starts and continues long after a war ends.
– Julian Assange

Inspirational Attack Quotes And Sayings

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When you attack the roots of sin, fix your thought more on the God you desire than on the sin you abhor.
– Walter Hilton

The attack on “selfishness” is an attack on man’s self-esteem; to surrender one, is to surrender the other.
Ayn Rand

Always attack, never defend.
– Paul Begala

All attack is a call for help.
– Neale Donald Walsch

Any attack on any lie is justified.
– Sandra Good

An attack on one is an attack on all.
– George Robertson

Attack life, it’s going to kill you anyway.
– Steven Coallier

Under attack, sentiments harden into dogma.
– Mason Cooley

Attack is only one half of the art of boxing.
– Georges Carpentier

We attack not only to hurt someone, to defeat him, but perhaps also simply to become conscious of our own strength.
– Friedrich Nietzsche

Strength And Attack Quotes And Sayings

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If you attack stupidity, you attack an entrenched interest with friends in government and every walk of public life.
– Robertson Davies

We may attack systems. We must not attack men.
– Mahatma Gandhi

Attack wins you games, defense wins you titles.
– Alex Ferguson

Attack another’s rights and you destroy your own.
– John Jay Chapman

Attack like the Fire and be still as the Mountain.
– Sun Tzu

Attack your instruments. Don’t let them attack you.
– Billie Joe Armstrong

Somebody who attacks everybody has something missing.
– Hillary Clinton

An attack upon our ability to tell stories is not just censorship – it is a crime against our nature as human beings.
– Salman Rushdie

When one would make a surprise attack on the enemy, he should avoid the major roads and seek out the lesser ones. Then attack.
– Takeda Nobushige

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