Quotes and Sayings

50 Beautiful Arizona Quotes To Admire Its Desert Landscape

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Arizona Quotes that capture the beauty of its stunning desert landscape. Discover inspiring words that celebrate this captivating region’s allure!

Located in the southwestern region of the USA, Arizona is geographically distinct. Arizona is even called the land of contradictions. 

One-half of Arizona has a hot, barren desert covered with Cacti and hosts famous tourist destinations like the Grand Canyon and Painted Desert.

Another half of Arizona has a beautiful lush forest layover with tall pine trees everywhere.

Amid the vast stretches of Arizona’s unique topography, quotes about this enchanting desert landscape resonate deeply.

Quotes About Arizona:

Phrases highlighting its stark beauty can evoke a sense of wonder, inviting us to perceive the world in new ways.

Lines like,

The desert tells a story if you will only listen.
– Unknown

It reminds us that within the arid expanses lie history and harmony, waiting to be discovered by those willing to explore their depths.

These Arizona quotes serve as musings on nature’s artist and underscore themes of resilience and introspection.

Best Arizona Quotes and Sayings

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Arizona is now recognized as a premier place to locate, expand and grow a business.
– Jan Brewer

Arizona is a great place to be a radiation researcher.
– Steven Magee

Arizona’s vale of mountain-temples.
– Robert Haven Schauffler

You know you’re from Arizona when you drive two miles around a parking lot looking for a shady place – even in the dead of winter.
– Local saying

Arizona is gorgeous. The sunshine in Arizona is gorgeous red.
– Cecilia Bartoli

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You know you’re from Arizona when you feed your chickens ice cubes to keep them from laying hard-boiled eggs.
– Local saying

The Grand Canyon is carven deep by the master hand; it is the gulf of silence, widened in the desert; it is all time inscribing the naked rock; it is the book of earth.
– Donald C. Peattie

In the Grand Canyon, Arizona has a natural wonder which is in kind absolutely unparalleled throughout the rest of the world.
– Theodore Roosevelt

Racial discrimination is illegal. It’s illegal in the United States. It’s illegal in Arizona. It has been and it will continue to be.
– Jan Brewer

The trip across Arizona is just one oasis after another. You can just throw anything out and it will grow there, I like Arizona.
– Will Rogers

Desert Arizona Quotes and Sayings

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Then the wind blew cool through the pinyons on the rim. There was a sweet tang of cedar and sage on the air and that indefinable fragrance peculiar to the canyon country of Arizona.
– Zane Grey

Arizona faces unique healthcare challenges including uncompensated care for illegal immigrants, and the large number of Native Americans who live in remote and isolated areas of the state.
– Rick Renzi

Arizona may be the only state in America where mothers don’t tell their children that someday they can grow up and be president.
– John McCain

Nowhere on this planet is the desert as fascinating as it is in Arizona.
– Joseph Stacey

Welcome to Arizona, where summer spends the winter — and hell spends the summer.
– Local saying

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In the empire of desert, water is the king and shadow is the queen.
– Mehmet Murat İldan

Arizona faces unique healthcare challenges including uncompensated care for illegal immigrants, and the large number of Native Americans who live in remote and isolated areas of the state.
– Rick Renzi

In the Grand Canyon, Arizona has a natural wonder which is in kind absolutely unparalleled throughout the rest of the world. I want to ask you to keep this great wonder of nature as it now is. I hope you will not have a building of any kind, not a summer cottage, a hotel or anything else, to mar the wonderful grandeur, the sublimity, the great loneliness and beauty of the canyon. Leave it as it is. You cannot improve on it. The ages have been at work on it, and man can only mar it.
– Theodore Roosevelt

In Arizona we have passed laws to free our people so that they can defend themselves and their loved ones. You cannot predict where evil will raise its head, but you can be prepared for it.
– Russell Pearce

Summer Arizona Quotes and Sayings

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You know you’re an Arizona native when you hug a cactus only once in your lifetime.
– Nancy Dedera

You know you live in Phoenix when the cold-water faucet is hotter than the hot-water faucet.
– Anonymous

Arizona, our beautiful state, was built on mining.
– Jan Brewer

You know you’re an Arizona native, when in your heart you’re sure that at the end of the rainbow there is not a pot of gold—but a good Mexican restaurant.
– James W. Cook

You know you’re an Arizona native, when a rainy day puts you in a good mood.
– Marshall Trimble

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Arizona seeks only to enforce the nominal immigration policy of the United States. Perhaps the federal government should try it sometime.
– Rich Lowry

Arizona has always been anti-black.
– Paul Mooney

The Hopi Indians of Arizona believe that our daily rituals and prayers literally keep this world spinning on its axis. For me, feeding the seagulls is one of those everyday prayers.
– Brenda Peterson

I took an oath to protect the people of Arizona, and that’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to keep pushing in that direction.
– Jan Brewer

Funny Arizona Quotes and Sayings

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In Arizona, shade trees are your best friends — and occasionally the basis of small civil wars over parking.
– Terri Guillemets

Today, Arizona’s sons and daughters, mothers and fathers are proudly serving their country.
– Jane D. Hull

Arizona presents no specific reason for expecting capital defendants from the constitutional protections extended to defendants generally, and none is readily apparent.
– Ruth Bader Ginsburg

If there’s one thing Arizona is best in the nation at, it’s water.
– Doug Ducey

Almost everyone in the world knows something about Arizona, and some of it is even true.
– Jim Turner

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In Arizona we salt margaritas, not sidewalks.
– Anonymous

I grew up in rural Arizona. My dad ran a general store. I grew up learning to do more with less. And I have been saying, you know, Washington needs to do the same.
– Ann Kirkpatrick

It wouldn’t matter whether you were Latino or Hispanic or Norwegian. If you didn’t have proof of citizenship and if the police officer had reasonable suspicion, he would ask and verify your citizenship. I mean, that’s the way that it is. That’s what the federal law says. And that’s what the law in Arizona says.
– Jan Brewer

I was raised in Arizona, and I went to public school, and the extent of my knowledge of the civil-rights movement was the story of Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, Jr. I wonder how much my generation knows.
– Emma Stone

Popular Arizona Quotes and Sayings

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By working together, we can make Arizona a place where everyone has an opportunity for a better life.
– Doug Ducey

Arizona now has one of the most innovative systems of financing school construction in the nation.
– Jane D. Hull

You know you’re an Arizona native when you take rain dances seriously.
– Skip Boyer

Arizona, a land where a good spring is far better than a gold mine.
– E.E.A

The Arizona desert takes hold of a man’s mind and shakes it.
– David W. Toll

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The United States and Arizona are both losing jobs to offshore locations.
– Janet Napolitano

I always remember an epitaph which is in the cemetery at Tombstone, Arizona. It says: ‘Here lies Jack Williams. He done his damnedest.’ I think that is the greatest epitaph a man can have – When he gives everything that is in him to do the job he has before him. That is all you can ask of him and that is what I have tried to do.
– Harry S. Truman

Arizona has a very, very special place in my heart. I love people of Arizona.
– Donald Trump

I’m from Arizona where I feel like our history, as a state, is so young in comparison to some of these wonderful southern cities and towns.
– Janet Varney

You know you’re an Arizona native when you have to look up mass transit in the dictionary.
– Paul Johnson

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