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Read our uplifting mind stability quotes and sayings from renowned authors, thinkers, and philosophers to live a powerful life.
Mahatma Gandhi mightily quotes, ‘Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.’
When you start rejecting everybody and everything that disturbs your mind too much, what remains is a calm, serene, and still mind.
All we need to do is be observant enough not to allow our inner tranquility to be disturbed by the world.
The world primarily disturbs us because the world promises to satisfy our greed, desires, pleasures, recognition, and social validation.
Be joyfully alone, and reduce your mental dependency on the other; nobody can shake you or break you from inside.
Remember, nobody likes sadness and mental tension because being stable and peaceful is our fundamental human nature.
Develop the inner clarity to see how our daily bad life choices inevitably disturb the peace of mind in exchange for mental gratification and temporary bodily pleasures.
Our egos will hate to accept this fact, but we are our own obstacles to all our mental suffering.
The proof one is living wrong, and unstable lives are the experience of daily frustrations and mood swings.
Without changing the way we are and understanding who am I? emotional stability is a far cry.
We hope you find our handpicked stability quotes, sayings, images, and pictures meaningful.
Best Stability Quotes and Sayings
The strongest man in the world is he who stands alone.
– Henrik Ibsen
It is on the strength of observation and reflection that one finds a way. So we must dig and delve unceasingly.
– Claude Monet
Strength comes from solitude, a waiting, a communion with the best in us, which is at one with the divine spark.
– Elbert Hubbard
The more stable you remain the more stability you bring. Quiet the noise and find some joy.
– Anonymous
With firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right.
– Abraham Lincoln
Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.
– Mahatma Gandhi
No social stability without individual stability.
– Aldous Huxley
Stability and a prosperous life cannot be set off against a set of political rights and freedoms.
– Dmitry Medvedev
No man is infinitely strong; for every creature that runs, flies, hops or crawls there is a terminal nemesis which he will not circumvent, which will finally do him in.
– Philip K. Dick
Valor is stability, not of legs and arms, but of courage and the soul.
– Michel de Montaigne
Stability is why society has an interest in marriage.
– Gene Robinson
There is a pleasant firmness of tone when one is in harmony with oneself. Even when it’s a weak ethic one is resonating with.
– Peter Høeg
Peace and Stability Quotes and Sayings
Stability and peace in our land will not come from the barrel of a gun, because peace without justice is an impossibility.
– Desmond Tutu
Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.
– Napoleon Hill
Stability can only be attained by inactive matter.
– Marie Curie
The price of stability is unpreparedness.
– Anthony Ryan
Real strength never impairs beauty of harmony, but it often bestows it; and in everything imposingly beautiful, strength has much to do with the magic.
– Herman Melville
Strength is a matter of a made up mind.
– John Beecher
The cost of stability is often diminished opportunities for growth.
– Sheryl Sandberg
The greatest firmness is the greatest mercy.
– Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Stability means respecting precedents.
– Arlen Specter
Stability is necessary for our future economic success.
– Gordon Brown
The quality of strength lined with tenderness is an unbeatable combination.
– Maya Angelou
The process of philosophic and scientific enlightenment has shaken the stability of beliefs held explicitly as articles of faith.
– Michael Polanyi
Mental and Emotional Stability Quotes
Real firmness is good for anything; strut is good for nothing.
– Alexander Hamilton
Alliances and partnerships produce stability when they reflect realities and interests.
– Stephen Kinzer
There will be no stability of world-peace till the educated lack moral conscience.
– Md. Mujib Ullah
True stability results when presumed order and presumed disorder are balanced.
– Tom Robbins
There is a growing strength in women, but it is in the forehead, not in the forearm.
– Beverly Sills
The strength of a large unencumbered area in a painting gives strength to the details. The mass serves as a foil that accentuates and delivers.
– Kathi Hobbs
The stability of modern governments above the ancient, and the accuracy of modern philosophy, have improved, and probably will still improve, by similar gradations.
– David Hume
The stability of the internal medium is a primary condition for the freedom and independence of certain living bodies in relation to the environment surrounding them.
– Claude Bernard
There is a stability in the Universe because of the orderly and balanced process of change, the same measure coming out as going in, as if reality were a huge fire that inhaled and exhaled equal amounts.
– Heraclitus
Unity is strength when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.
– Mattie J.T. Stepanek
The greatest way to ensure stability in our laws is to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to participate in some way in the passage.
– Mitch McConnell
Communication will bring understanding and understanding will cause harmonious mutual relationships which can establish peace and stability.
– Lobsang Tenzin
I Need Stability Quotes on Relationships
Our stability is but balance, and conduct lies in masterful administration of the unforseen.
– Robert Bridges
Stability is not immobility.
– Klemens Von Metternich
Stability is more essential to success than brilliance.
– Anish Roy
Nothing is so strong as gentleness, and nothing is so gentle as true strength.
– Ralph Sockman
Stability was overrated. Crises and adventures, on the other hand, could actually teach you something.
– Sarah Addison Allen
The very strength that protects the heart from injury is the strength that prevents the heart from enlarging to its intended greatness within. The song of the voice is sweet, but the song of the heart is the pure voice of heaven.
– Kahlil Gibran
The stability we cannot find in the world, we must create within our own persons.
– Nathaniel Branden
We will remain steady. We will pursue every avenue in the search for peace and stability.
– Ronald Reagan
Stability is not the way of the world.
– Paul Singer
There is no stability without solidarity and no solidarity without stability.
– Jose Manuel Barroso
In a way, one gets stability from being able to order the rational mind.
– Richard Gere
When stability becomes a habit, maturity and clarity follow.
– B.K.S. Iyengar
Mind Stability Quotes and Sayings
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